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Getting into The Roots of Autumn

From: Chef Bobby Perillo

Potato and Leek Soup

For the first time this year we planted leeks in our garden. We started them from seed back in March under protection, and by the end of September we reaped the returns of our sow.

Leeks, which are part of the onion family, have many health benefits. They are believed to have originated in Central Asia. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans revered the vegetable. Leeks were introduced to Britain and Northern Europe by the Romans. The leek gained in popularity because of its hardiness, making it suitable for the cooler northern climates.

Our garden happened to provide us with lots of potatoes this fall as well. We harvested fingerling, red bliss, purple, and Yukon gold varieties. Potatoes are a very nutritional vegetable option that come to us from from Peru. Being a root vegetable, potatoes are highly susceptible to absorbing pesticides and herbicides. Conventionally grown potatoes are also sprayed again after harvesting to prevent them from sprouting. Current industrialized agricultural practices can certainly raise questions about health risks. As a personal preference I prefer organic potatoes…actually organic everything. If your potatoes are not organic I recommend scrubbing them well, and peeling them too.

So, since I was outfitted with potatoes and leeks at the same time I decided to make potato and leek soup. These ingredients can be inexpensively purchased at your local farmers’ market or green grocer for a hot, satisfying, and nourishing meal.

View Potato Leek Soup Recipe